Frequently Asked Questions

Disclaimer: The content provided in FAA University training courses is for educational purposes only and is not intended as legal advice. Participation does not establish an attorney-client relationship, and the information may not be complete or up-to-date. The outcomes discussed do not guarantee similar results in individual cases. Users are responsible for seeking professional legal advice where necessary. By accessing this eLearning platform and contents thereof, you acknowledge and agree to these terms and release the course providers from any liability for using the provided information.

Getting Started

How do I register for a course?

Be advised: In order to receive credit for course completion and continuing education credits, you must register for and complete training courses under (logged into) your FAA member profile. An account is required to access and register for training courses. If you are a member of the Florida Apartment Association, use the single sign-on functionality to log in through your FAA member profile.

Once logged in to your account, browse the FAAU catalog for on-demand training courses and select 'register' to add them to your digital cart.

Need to update your FAA member profile? If you recently switched jobs or companies and have a different email address, or simply want to update your contact information and preferences, email us ( the changes or submit a help form at the bottom of the page.

Can I register for a course if I'm not a member of the Florida Apartment Association?


Most training courses include a nonmember registration option. To get started, send us an email ( with the following information:

  • First and Last Name
  • Company
  • Job Title
  • Phone Number
  • Address
  • The course(s) you would like to register for

What should I do if I'm having difficulty logging into my FAA member profile?

Perform a self-password reset

If you don't remember your login credentials, perform a self-password reset. Navigate to the homepage of and select login in the top right-hand corner. Note: If you log in through one of the nine local affiliates, you must navigate to the homepage of the affiliate website to reset your password. 

Watch the video below for a quick walkthrough on how to perform a self-reset. 

Need more help? If you recently switched jobs or companies and have a different email address, or simply want to update your contact information and preferences, email us ( the changes. 

Courses and Trainings

Once I start a course, do I have to finish it the same day?

No. All FAAU on-demand training courses are self-paced.

You can start, stop, and resume courses at your own pace. However, while on-demand courses can be completed at your own pace, there may be a compliance deadline associated with the completion of your training. If you are fulfilling a training requirement per Florida law, be sure to familiarize yourself with the section of state statute that pertains to your training. 

I'm having difficulty launching my course. What should I do?

When you're ready to begin learning, navigate to your dashboard to access the course(s) you have registered for, and select the course you would like to start. Once selected, navigate to the contents tab and click "view course" to begin.

A new window/tab should automatically open and launch the course introduction/overview. Tip! You may need to adjust the privacy and security settings of your browser. To launch the course, make sure your settings are adjusted as follows:

  • Disable pop-up blocker (sites can send pop-ups and use redirects) 
  • Allow third-party cookies

Should the newly opened window have a wonky-looking URL? Yes, the URL will look different because this is an eLearning file that is embedded within our LMS platform.

If you're still experiencing difficulty launching your course, watch the how-to video below.

Do I receive continuing education credit for completing a training course?

Yes! You receive continuing education credit for completion of FAAU training courses. 

To access your CECs, navigate to your dashboard and click "Transcripts/Achievements." From there, you can access, download, filter, and view the CECs you've earned. 

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If you have a question that's not covered by an FAQ, or a suggestion on how we can improve this page, share it with us. Click 'Share' below or email with your feedback.
